I’ve made a few changes to the PCB, and I’m ready to order first production run of 100. But, from where? Here’s my cost comparison on several different vendors I sent this incomplete-but-correctly-sized set of gerber files:
I’m going to go with jetpcb: they’ve been quite responsive, and their quote includes full electrical testing as well as scoring of the different PCBs for easy separation. Total price is $464 for 100 sets of boards (2 relay breakouts, 1 main growerbot board, 1 lcd board, and 1 encoder breakout); our boards should be here by the end of next week!
From there, I’ve got the following left to do:
- Attach surface mount components
- Finish enclosure design
- Complete software development, testing
Hopefully this saves some of you time on your own electronics projects. Any competitive vendors I missed?
We’re not there, but we’re getting quite close!